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Article - ACT Freshman Class Profile Report

Each year ACT® publishes the Freshman Class Profile Report for each college or university that meets the following parameters: 

  • The school must send their Enrollment data to the National Student Clearinghouse by November 1 each grad year 
  • The school must have at least 25 ACT score senders enrolled at the institution (based on a match to the National Student Clearinghouse data)

The report will provide valuable insight into the students who sent ACT Scores to your institution by allowing you to see the aggregated records broken down by data elements critical in your enrollment planning. 

Section I - Recruitment/Admissions

Data summarized in Section I (Recruitment/Admissions) is self-reported by students and captured during the ACT test registration process. Data reflects the information provided by the student on their latest test taken including data elements such as college choice, in-state/out-of-state residence, parent education, ethnicity, college attribute preferences, and high school details including GPA and class rank. In addition, you'll see a list of top feeder high schools and competitors based on score sending behavior. 

Throughout the report, you'll see the total number of students in each category (including percent and average ACT Composite score), the details of enrolled students, the details of non-enrolled students, and the enrolled yield for each data point. 

Section II - Academic/Student Support Services

Data in this section offers insight into factors which, in addition to recruitment insights, have the potential to impact academic or student support efforts. There is great value to students and institutions when these data are integrated - beyond recruitment - into intervention and advising initiatives. Data points include educational aspirations, intended major, expectations for financial aid and work in college, special assistance the student expects to need in college, and extracurricular plans.

Section III - ACT Test Score Distribution/Course Sequence

This section provides a deep dive into the scores received by your score senders, an overview of high school coursework, as well as an analysis of student test performance relative to ACT college readiness benchmarks. Students who meet ACT college readiness benchmarks have a 75 percent chance of achieving a C or better or a 50 percent chance of a B or better in corresponding college coursework. ACT readiness benchmarks are fully explained at

Requesting Your Report

If you haven't received your Freshman Class Profile Report, reach out to your Encoura representative. If you aren't sure who that is, refer to the Contact Encoura widget on your myEncoura Homepage. You can also access our Support Team from the Help Center on your Homepage.

Exploring Further

To dig deeper into your data, Market Insights™ and Insights Cloud™ combine the ACT Data with data from myOptions® Encourage® to provide a more complete picture of the total U.S. market, your visibility in the market, and your competition in specific areas. Click here for more information